A New Potager/Jardin….

French Potager Garden 39 #FrenchCottage

Source ~ Pinterest

Hi there and welcome back….I’ve done it yet again and been gone for too long. Sometimes I really think I should just put this baby to bed and be done with it. I’ve changed the blog names too many times and have lost readers, I’m terrible of late at posting consistently and I really feel like I’m just talking to myself these days as I just don’t seem to be reaching anyone. On the other hand I love having a place to write and somewhere to share my thoughts and what I’ve been up to and one day my kids will be able to go through the blog and see what it was I was always doing on the computer and how much of it they’re in.

Today I thought I’d share a new little project I started working on this week. If (and that’s a very big if) you’ve been following me through all the changes, you’ll know a few years ago I started a Potager (french for vegetable garden) at a previous house we were living in. However we ended up moving and it was left behind, we then were in Tassie and didn’t have a chance to start one there but now we’re somewhat settled (I always have itchy feet) I felt like I needed plants around me and what better things to grow than things you can eat. We actually don’t have much of a yard here let alone a bit of soil to plant much so most things are being grown in pots.

It all started with a rosemary bush I bought a few months ago and pretty much stayed at the rosemary but while we were in one of my fave hardware places last week….Bunnings naturally…..I saw some beautiful lavender with the most gorgeous pink double blooms I haven’t seen before and knew I had to buy one and buy one I did. I then took a trip to Kmart to buy a pot for it as I wanted it to match the pot I’d bought for the rosemary.

How gorgeous is this Lavender and I love these pots

Admittedly both plants sat in their Bunnings pots for another week until we were gardening this last week preparing for a house inspection. As we were pruning plants already here and mowing the lawn we realized we needed a new shovel and some potting mix so off to Bunnings we went again. This time however I really wanted to buy a Lots o Lemons Lemon Tree. I’d been wanting one for ages and being as we simply don’t have the yard space for a tree to reach full maturity I thought a dwarf variety would be a great idea. So we headed over to the fruit trees and for Chris I took a painfully long time choosing a tree but to me I was inspecting the health of the tree, making sure there was no disease, no branches crossing over each other or too crowded in etc….you know, the things responsible gardeners look for lol….So I eventually picked my tree but wasn’t 100% sure and as I was talking to Chris I spotted a dwarf Fig Tree!! OMG I was in heaven. I love figs probably more than any other fruit and I adore Fig Trees and how massive they get and the shapes of the leaves……I pretty much love trees guys but some I love much harder than others….so off I went again inspecting the fig trees and deliberating as to which one I would bring home with me. (I’m even fussy on the way the trunk of a tree has developed…..I know, it’s a problem. If it has a crooked trunk I won’t buy it lol) I found the cutest Figalicious tree with a good trunk, nice healthy leaves and even a few figs on it which made me soooooo happy. 

So now we have our trees we go off to choose some good sized pots that they can grow into and will last some time in. It was actually a pretty easy decision and one that Chris and I both agreed on as we rarely agree on anything design wise or garden wise lol but this was a victory for both of us, we’d agreed on the colour and shape of our pots. Who knows maybe one day we will agree on the decor of our house……lol who am I kidding that’ll never happen we have completely different tastes and thankfully I win out most of the time. Any way after choosing our pots we went to get the right sort of potting mix and as we were putting it in the trolley I decided I had the wrong lemon tree after all and told Chris we needed to change it to which again he thought I was right. Seriously this never happens lol…..so back at lemon trees I put my tree back and start sorting through all the other trees. After another five to ten minutes I finally decide on a tree that looked right to me.

Now, much to Chris’ disgust (lol) I decided to take the kids over to the veggies as they’re always wanting to grow something and after much deliberation on Bec’s part she ended up choosing carrots and garlic. Bec was rapped with her garlic until I pointed out it takes 38 weeks to harvest! The look on her face was priceless but she stuck with her garlic and it’ll give her something to maintain and look after. Francis decided on a strawberry bush, probably because he loves eating them. With both kids happy with veggies I decided I needed to get another lavender bush as it would be a pity to just have one, I also wanted another rosemary bush but they didn’t have any….oh well c’est la vie there’s always next week. On our way out of the gardening section Chris spotted the Bonsai trees and decided to have a look at them for Bec as she’d been wanting a plant to keep in her room. Honestly I think deliberating over the Bonsai trees took longer than choosing everything else but Bec was happy with her little tree and we bought a new pot and some bonsai pottig mix to re-pot it as it’s four years old and a root was exposed. Finally we headed to the checkout but not without  stopping to look at potato seedlings. You see in Tassie we found the best potatoes on the planet that we’d never had before….Dutch Cream Potatoes…..however they’re not available here in Western Australian supermarkets, I have no idea why but personally I think it’s crazy. So any way Bunnings had Dutch Cream Potato seedlings which got Bec all excited and as badly as she wanted to buy them I knew we didn’t have room to grow them. I had however heard of growing potatoes in hessian bags so I’m looking into that and if it’s doable then we’ll be back for our Dutch Creams.

Finally we made it to and through the check out, out to the car and home again. Bec was busting to put her carrots in the ground but by the time we got home it was getting late and quite cold and we needed to finish the bigger jobs off first…like getting the weeds out of the very small garden bed. It took a couple of days but we got Bec’s carrots and garlic in the ground surrounding her one surviving tomato bush from the summer. I potted up my lavender and rosemary bushes and then realized I was a pot short so I’ll be off to Kmart to get another one on the weekend. I also potted up my lemon and fig trees after taking forever to decide where I was going to put them. In the end I went for one either side of our bedroom door that leads to the backyard.

Things are now starting to feel a little more like a jardin out there which makes me feel better and less restless. Honestly our yard is so small it’s really a courtyard with lawn and I find it quite depressing not having much space around me, especially after being on an acre in Tassie but it’s looking a little more homely now and I intend to fill it up with a lot more plants. This way we’ll have a mobile garden, so if we move house, everything will be coming with us and I can keep my French Jardin with me. I love french gardens and they way they look perfectly put together but really they can be quite haphazard but it’s the way they come together and you’ll find all french gardens have flowers in them and usually lots of geraniums which are also another love of mine thanks to my grandma for sharing her love of them too.

So with our french way of living here in Australia we’re starting to bring in our Potager/Jardin as well. It’s not always easy trying to get a very Australian family to live another way of life but with our trip to France in a couple of years I’m determined to try and get them to at least attempt a more french way of life to prepare for our trip. It’s the little things that are keeping me sane at the moment and being in the jardin this week felt so blissful, productive and joyous and that’s something I haven’t felt in quite a while.


Welcome to Ma Belle Vie….

This is our view of Mt Wellington from our driveway….this snowfall only happened yesterday..So nice to be able to walk outside and see it every day

Bonjour everyone and welcome to a brand new blog…..for those of you who’ve been following my blogs for a while I’d like to say thanks for sticking around and I hope you continue to enjoy being here…..For those of you who are new here I’ll take a minute to explain what’s happening…..In September 2012 I started my blog Seek Joy which was then known as Home, Love & Life As I Live It…quite a mouthful hey lol…..and while I loved the blog it had a couple of name changes but all the posts from it are here in the archives….Then in December 2016 I started another blog called Maison Chic Designs which was all about living a French way of life while living in Australia….I’m a self confessed Francophile and love everything about France and her culture. However, my hubby injured himself not long after starting this blog and both blogs suffered and this one in particular sat in limbo with nothing happening but it was always in the back of my mind……then in June of 2017 I started my green beauty blog called Beyond the Mirror…..this blog is the most current and I love it to bits. It’s all about my journey from using mainstream cosmetics and switching over to completely certified organic and natural skin care, makeup and house hold products while incorporating as much gut healing health tips I can.

Russell Falls up on Mt Field…….Spectacular to watch…

So why the new blog you might be asking. Well as you can imagine writing three blogs and managing 4 Instagram accounts (one for each blog plus my health one) is very time demanding. After trying to balance everything for so long there was always one area suffering and not getting the attention in deserved. I certainly didn’t want to give any of them up as they’re all my passions but I needed to free up my time and give some time back to my family. So this is when I decided to merge the three blogs into one new blog and now we have Ma Belle Vie…..Ma Belle Vie translated is My Beautiful Life and being as I love blogging and sharing on instagram the daily things I get up to, my love of everything french, skin care, makeup and life in general I couldn’t think of a better name than Ma Belle Vie.

My Rustic French Kitchen From the top of the stair in our living room leading down into the kitchen/dining room..
From the other side of the room near the back door…..
Looking out the kitchen window…..It gets beautiful sunshine coming in….

If you’ve been following me for a while then you know in December last year my family and I moved from Western Australia to Tasmania and while we love it here it’s been a big change and a lot of getting used to things working very differently to over home. So today I thought I’d share a few pics of our little chateaux kitchen/dining area, the view from our drive way and a beautiful place we visited last weekend called Russell Falls. Today is really just an introductory post to welcome you all but I’ll be back regularly with updates on family life, french finds and all things green beauty and health…..enjoy the pics….

Michelle x


A French Inspired Weekend

Bonjour and welcome back! Thank you to everyone who liked, followed and commented on my last post, which happened to be my first post for this blog. It was lovely to see and read the comments.

I hope everyone had a wonderful and relaxing weekend. We had a relaxing weekend this week as we were away the previous weekend and while it was nice to be a way it always takes a bit to catch back up to a normal routine…especially with kids. This weekend we had a slightly more French weekend with long lunches and delicious….make that super yum food…if I do say so myself 😉

I’ve been reading ‘At My French Table’ by Jane Webster and while I’ve only just hit the half way point she’s really inspired me to get out of the supermarche and into the farmers market….Here in Western Australia we don’t have the advantage of the same style markets as they do in France but our farmers market is pretty good and I bought the most beautiful leg of lamb and the freshest croissants ever….

In fact the weather was so lovely Sunday that we had breakfast and lunch outside and simply took our time to enjoy the food…..I slow roasted the lamb with garlic and rosemary for 4 1/2 hours and the house smelled heavenly and the lamb itself melted in our mouths…I’m still waiting on a new coffee machine so hubby went out and bought coffee to go with the croissants and the kids enjoyed their hot chocolat….

So besides eating and relaxing this weekend I did manage to get productive in my design department, sewing and chilling out lol…ok maybe chilling out isn’t productive but after a productive day one needs to chill and relax…..

I made my way to Spotlight (a haberdashery store in Australia) Friday afternoon in search of a skirt pattern and some very summery fabric and I hit the jackpot…..You see usually when I go looking for exactly what I want I can never find it but Friday I knew just what I wanted and found it so it was a good day…I’m in love with the fabric and can’t wait to make it up…

After many weeks of crocheting my fingers off I’ve finally finished 32 Flower Power Coasters and squared them off….now tomorrow I need to block them before I can join them together…it’s taken much longer than I thought but I can visualize the end result and I know it’s going to be a beautiful throw blanket when finished…..

And naturally the best way to finish ones day off is with a long hot shower and then hop into bed to read before drifting off to sleep…I think this is my most favourite thing to do on a Saturday night these days hehe…..ok I’m not really old (41 isn’t old…right? lol) my hubby works the grave yard shift so he’s always in bed extremely early and I’m always up on my own….so the only time I can got to bed and read is a Saturday night because he’s up and doesn’t work Sunday….thank goodness…..anyhoo….there is something soooo relaxing about having a shower and collapsing with a good book to read at the end of the day….well for me there is….

I’m hoping to get a start on the French Files this week as well as sharing some of my crochet and design inspiration with you….please bare with me as I get to these as this is a brand new blog and I’m still getting bits and pieces together for each post….

Well I hope you’ve had a great start to the week and your weekend was as relaxing as mine (next weeks will be busy!) and if you love France and the French way of life then I’d love to hear from you….take care and until next time…

Au revoir

A Love of All Things French…

Bonjour! And welcome to my space where I’ll be writing about my love of everything French and how I’m attempting to turn my very modern houses decor into a more french provincial/country style…..I’ll also be sharing my design inspirations, crochet designs and the french files which will consist of my attempt to learn french and one day visit France herself.

So rustic and beautiful

 From the moment I learnt there was French blood in my family from my Grandfather I’ve been intrigued about France. Her beauty, her culture, language and of course food…However the French from my Grandfather is actually Canadian French as his Grandmother’s were American Red Indians married to Canadian Frenchmen…..it’s a lot to digest! Although I was slightly disappointed to learn this growing up it didn’t change the fact that I’d already fallen in love with France….

Who wouldn’t want this view from a private balcony

 I’ve studied French on and off since high school and I used to love practicing it with my Grandfather as he still remembered bits from his childhood….My french now is definitely not fluid, it’s extremely broken and rough. And while I could probably make my way through Paris living off cafe au lait et croissants and catching a le taxi to the l’hotel it’s definitely not enough to get me through a month of country living in France….That’s the dream….In a few years I want to take my crazy mob (family) to the place I love most and the place that I feel in my bones will feel like home to me…

I hope you will enjoy your time here as I figure out how to try and keep a French feeling home tidy with kids leaving their tracks every day….I’ll be sharing some of my designer influences and looking to discover new ones….My crochet projects are very close to my heart as almost all of them are gifted to friends and family though I do have a small online shop…..and I’m hoping to fill the French Files with everything I’ve ever wanted to know about France and all the places I want to go….

Thank you for stopping by, until next time…

Au revoir