A Few Things I Believe In…


My wish is to share life’s journey with you all, the ups, downs and even the sideways stuff. I’m a believer in making love not war. I believe in being peaceable with everyone as it makes for a better world….though there are things I won’t tolerate. I believe in positive thinking and trying to see the good in every day no matter how crappy it may have been. I believe a coat of paint makes everything better and that being creative is a gift from God.

I believe in only using organic skin care and makeup and looking after our bodies the best way possible. I believe in living a chemical free life as much as it’s in my control to do so. I believe essential oils can solve or at least help almost every ailment we have. I believe we’ve been given amazing gifts of the earth from God yet not enough people seem to be aware of this.

I believe one day we’ll live in a peaceful world where evil doesn’t exist. I believe most people are good. I believe being kind far outweighs being right. I believe a smile can make the difference to someones day. I believe in being a dreamer as there’s enough negativity in this world to drown you if you let it.

I believe you should tell your children you love them every day no matter what’s happened. I believe in making big and small memories with our children. I believe you’re never too old to chase a new dream. I believe old dogs can learn new tricks. I believe we can all learn from each other.

I believe in late nights and sleeping in. I believe in going to bed with a good book and a drink on a Saturday night far outweighs the nightlife. I believe the older you get the more you appreciate the quiet life. I believe there is someone for everyone.

I believe music makes the world go round and your heart sing. I believe the eyes are the windows to the soul of a person. I believe we are who we’re meant to be. I believe in making things beautiful. I believe……I BELIEVE.

Michelle x